Students who are registered for classes at the UAA-Anchorage Campus, Kenai Peninsula College, and the University of Alaska Southeast have access to the SPSS Base with Advanced Statistics and Regression free of charge.

If your department is interested in purchasing SPSS software from this agreement, please complete a Request SPSS License ticket for pricing and availability. Licenses are issued on a per computer basis. This licensing program is available to UAA departments, faculty, and staff for purchase and use on University owned equipment for University related activities. For assistance with the Remove Connectivity (VPN) software review the Download & Install Global Protect VPN for macOS, or Download & Install Global Protect for Windows KB articles. To use this SPSS license off of the UA network you will need to install the Remote Connectivity (VPN) software, and login to create a virtual private network (VPN) connection to the University of Alaska's network. Additional add-ons not listed here are available for direct purchase from IBM.

Missing Values add-on limited quantity available to departments only.Custom Tables add-on limited quantity available to departments only.AMOS add-on limited quantity available to departments only.SPSS Base with Advanced Statistics and Regression add-ons.The following products available for purchase under this agreement are: How do I use this technology? Products Available Your computer must have the minimum requirements listed below to be able to install and run SPSS: Mac Requirements This article will walk you through what SPSS is, and how to properly install it. IT Services has negotiated an SPSS Licensing Agreement that allows University of Alaska departments to purchase certain SPSS products at a discounted price, additionally the agreement enables providing SPSS base to students associated with the UAA Anchorage campus, Kenai Peninsula College, and University of Alaska Southeast at no charge. SPSS Statistics is a software package by IBM used for statistical analysis.